A Miraculous Journey With God
“Come and hear, all ye that fear God, I will declare what He hath done for my soul” Psalms 66:16.
My Journey in life with the Lord has been an adventure of miracles. I was only 8, when I had been bitten by a poisonous snake, but His mercy saved me from that obvious death. Marvelous are His powers and strength which He has shown me countless times in my life.
In 1988, when I was only 18 years old, I had been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy – a rare disease in India that gradually makes the muscles weak and eventually they lose their functions. There is currently no cure yet for this disease. Suffering from this dreadful disease, I have lost my balance and fallen a countless number of times, yet my God never let any of my bones to break. He has carried me securely in His everlasting arms.
When I was 21 years old, one day, I suddenly felt no sensation on my face. I then realized that it had quickly passed through my left side from head to feet, and within few minutes I had been completely paralyzed on that side. Those were the scariest moments I have ever faced. I felt as if my life was over, so young. But God had mercy over me and proved His greatness once again in my life. He had miraculously raised me up within a few hours! My Redeemer lives!
Later as I got older, it was my prayer, that I should never be a burden to anyone. I have always wanted to work and support myself. God honored this desire of mine and enabled me to work in several places. I had the privilege to work with Zion School in Kodaikanal. The school management was very kind and helped me in so many ways. May God bless them! Later, in 2003, God opened doors for me to work in Bahrain, through a family friend, Mr. Johnson George. It was a ‘dream come true’ as I had always wanted to work in the Middle East.
There I attended The IPC Bahrain Church. I was a weak member of the Christian faith, depressed, hopeless and waiting for an imminent death, but God raised some of His children in that Church to encourage and strengthen me. Through their love, prayers and the word of God they spoke into my life, they instilled hope within me. It was a time of spiritual growth for me.
During those days, I had also experienced a lot of difficulties in walking, but through His word, Isaiah 41:10- “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” He gave me renewed strength to work every day.
Since 2002, God began to speak to me using His servants, through prophesies and visions that He would miraculously heal me and would use me for His glory. At first, it was very difficult for me to believe them, but gradually God helped me increase my faith in Him. I began to see visions that I would be walking normally without any support. God inspired me to fast and pray for the miracle of divine healing. Even during my weakness, He gave me the grace to fast and pray for 3 years. I am not discouraged anymore even though complete healing is yet to happen. Like it says in Habakkuk 2:3- “For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay”. For the last 10 years, God has enabled me to wait patiently for His appointed time of healing.
In May 2007, God opened a way for me to migrate to the US and be with my mother who was working there. With her limited income, it was very difficult for us to pay the rent and other expenses, but God Almighty opened a beautiful way for us. Just like Moses mother had received wages from the Palace of Pharaoh to look after him, my mother as well started to receive wages from the US Government to take care of me. It was a big relief for her and has helped improve our financial situation to a great extent.
I had also suffered from memory loss, being one of the consequences of my disease. It was very difficult for me to memorize even a single Bible verse, but God answered my prayers and gradually healed me of my memory loss. He helped me learn how to use the computer and do word processing. I was able to help a friend Lizykutty Rajeev to design her website and publish her songs there.
That was when I realized, that God had a purpose for my life too. When doctors gave me only 10 years to live, I believe my God extended it over 24 years that this purpose may be fulfilled. For He said, He would use the foolish things of the world to shame the wise and chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong”.1 Corinthians 1:27.
Then I completely submitted my life for the glory of God and He put a burden into my heart to support those who are in desperate need of a helping hand. I was thus inspired to create this website.
I wish with all my heart that, this may be an inspiration for those who seek to serve Him, and also that this website be a blessing and comfort to many in need.
Prayerfully, I submit this website into the hands of our God Almighty.
God bless you all.
Sheeba George